Query for Successors

Given one fact, you can find its successors using LINQ. For example, you can find all sites for a given user. Use Given<T>.Match() to define a specification.

// The parameters to the lambda are the given fact (in this case, the user) and
// the fact repository. Use the OfType<T> method to get facts from the repository.
var sitesByUser = Given<User>.Match((user, facts) =>
    from site in facts.OfType<Site>()
    where site.creator == user
    select site);

// Query for facts matching the specification.
var sites = await jinagaClient.Query(sitesByUser, user);


jinagaClient.Query returns an immutable collection of facts that match the specification. In this example, the collection contains one site. That site is highlighted in the following graph:

%0 eLG0D2gojV+51Ix80JNo2Uh4EQTKvjbZUq5JNrf9K5gSXEqRmi7LBSleOl09F/bWdrlWUgDkalEH847v83U7fA== Jinaga.User publicKey --- FAKE USER --- fRStq94kRaFpm+n+5BCGNRP7e7NOyihLThCOo0vRo+inA0LbPUbVkJsNJwcWCKIVb9lUylMwc7Bt2vfHTbicPg== Blog.Site createdAt 2024-05-18T20:32:02.... fRStq94kRaFpm+n+5BCGNRP7e7NOyihLThCOo0vRo+inA0LbPUbVkJsNJwcWCKIVb9lUylMwc7Bt2vfHTbicPg==->eLG0D2gojV+51Ix80JNo2Uh4EQTKvjbZUq5JNrf9K5gSXEqRmi7LBSleOl09F/bWdrlWUgDkalEH847v83U7fA== creator

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Jinaga is a product of Jinaga LLC.

Michael L Perry, President