Factual File Format

The Factual file format is a human-readable format used to represent facts in Jinaga. It is designed to be easy to read and write, making it suitable for manual editing and inspection.


A Factual file consists of a series of fact declarations. Each fact is represented as a JavaScript-like object with the following structure:

let f<fact_id>: <fact_type> = {
    <field_key>: <field_value>,
    <predecessor_key>: f<predecessor_fact_id>,
    <predecessor_array_key>: [f<predecessor_fact_id1>, f<predecessor_fact_id2>, ...],
  • <fact_id>: A unique identifier for the fact
  • <fact_type>: The type of the fact
  • <field_key> and <field_value>: The fact's data fields
  • <predecessor_key> and <predecessor_fact_id>: References to single predecessor facts
  • <predecessor_array_key>: References to arrays of predecessor facts


Here is an example of a Factual file representing a blog site, a blog post, and the post's title:

let f1: Blog.Site = {
    domain: "example.com"

let f2: Blog.Post = {
    createdAt: "2023-05-20T10:30:00Z",
    site: f1

let f3: Blog.Post.Title = {
    post: f2,
    value: "My First Blog Post",
    prior: []


Each fact can have one or more fields. Fields are key-value pairs that store the data associated with the fact. The keys are strings, and the values can be of various types, such as strings, numbers, booleans, or dates.


In the example above, the Blog.Site fact has a domain field with the value "example.com", and the Blog.Post fact has a createdAt field with the value "2023-05-20T10:30:00Z".


Predecessors are references to other facts that the current fact depends on. A fact can have single predecessors or arrays of predecessors.

Single Predecessor

A single predecessor is a reference to one other fact. In the example above, the Blog.Post fact has a single predecessor site that references the Blog.Site fact.

Array of Predecessors

An array of predecessors is a reference to multiple facts. In the example above, the Blog.Post.Title fact has an array of predecessors prior that is empty.


The Factual file format is used in Jinaga for exporting and importing facts. It allows you to back up your data, analyze it, or move it to other replicas. You can manually edit Factual files to modify your data or create new facts.

This file format is compatible with the /write endpoint. Post a Factual file to this endpoint to import the facts into a Jinaga replicator.

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Jinaga is a product of Jinaga LLC.

Michael L Perry, President