Define Authorization Rules

Authorization rules determine who can create facts. They are defined in the JinagaConfig class. Even though the rules are defined within the client, they are enforced by the replicator.

Add a static method to the JinagaConfig class called Authorization. This method should return a string that describes the authorization rules. Build authorization rules from your model.

public static class JinagaConfig
    public static string Authorization() =>

    private static AuthorizationRules Authorize(AuthorizationRules r) => r
        .Type<UserName>(name => name.user)
        .Type<Site>(site => site.creator)
        .Type<SiteName>(name =>
        .Type<SiteDomain>(domain =>
        .Type<Post>(post =>
        .Type<PostTitle>(title =>
        .Type<PostDeleted>(deleted =>
        .Type<Publish>(publish =>;


The Type method defines the user who can create a fact of a given type. It is common for this user to be a predecessor of the fact. In that case, a lambda expression follows the graph to the predecessor.

Sometimes the authorized user is related through a successor. This happens when the original creator grants permission to another user. To express this kind of rule, the lambda expression takes two parameters: the fact being created and the fact repository.

    .Type<Post>((post, facts) =>
        from guestBlogger in facts.OfType<GuestBlogger>()
        where ==
        from user in facts.OfType<User>()
        where user == guestBlogger.guest
        select user

Type rules can be combined. If more than one rule is given, then a user matching any of the rules is authorized to create the fact.


The Any method allows any user to create a fact of a given type. It is common for the User fact to be created by any user. The User fact has only a public key. Several patterns require a person to create a User fact representing another person so that they can initiate a conversation.


The No method describes a fact that no user can create. This method is rarely used.


The With method chains rule sets. This is useful when breaking a model into modules.

public static class SiteModule
    public static AuthorizationRules Authorize(AuthorizationRules r) => r
        .Type<Site>(site => site.creator)
        .Type<SiteName>(name =>
        .Type<SiteDomain>(domain =>;

public static class JinagaConfig
    private static AuthorizationRules Authorize(AuthorizationRules r) => r
        .Type<UserName>(name => name.user)

Deploying Authorization Rules

To deploy authorization rules to a hosted replicator, use the dotnet jinaga command line tool. Install the tool by running the following command.

dotnet tool install -g Jinaga.Tool

Then run the following command to deploy the authorization rules to a hosted replicator.

dotnet jinaga deploy authorization {assembly} {endpoint} {secret}

The {assembly} parameter is the path to the assembly containing the JinagaConfig class. You can find the endpoint and secret in the replicator's configuration.

If instead you are running your own replicator, run the following command to write the authorization rules to a file.

dotnet jinaga print authorization {assembly} > authorization.txt

Continue With

Define Distribution Rules

Jinaga is a product of Jinaga LLC.

Michael L Perry, President